Water is a declared human right, essential for life, but is also a key input into economy, powering manufacturing, turning energy turbines, and nourishing crops and livestock. With population growth the demand for water is accelerating and with climate change rainfall has become more erratic. Solutions to managing water variability and scarcity remain elusive, despite vast investments in infrastructure and generous funding for research.
The challenge lies in finding a way to use the world’s water more efficiently and make it available to all at a reasonable cost, while leaving sufficient quantities to sustain the environment. Green growth policies in the water sector can address issues of both quantity and quality by encouraging water-related innovation and investment in green infrastructure, and through integration with policies in other relevant sectors.
Green Water Strategy:
Green Water is focusing its goals on UN SDG 6.0 and its six sub functions.
Recycle, reuse of water is core focus, which can contribute to food security, energy efficiency, health improvement, creating jobs in local community and long term sustainable Green Economy.
1. Digitization of the water quality monitoring through data acquisition and data crunching to achieve.
Arriving at optimum service intervention.
Optimum chemical use.
Increasing energy efficiency.
Pushing the system to optimize the use of water.
Dynamic pinch analysis to identify water recycling / reuse opportunities.
Predicting scaling / corrosion / biofouling and proactive interventions.
Interlinking Scheduling – Planning – service Calls – emergency calls – ERP system and AIMS ® platform provide 100% digitization of all functions of Green Water.
This will instantaneously measure, monitor and analyze the Carbon emission, value creation, water optimization and energy optimization.
2. Green Water developed a Data / AI platform and completed the trials with real data and called Asset Integrity Management System
AIMS ®. AIMS use multi parameter models to predict the water quality and optimization. Service calls with geographical positioning are auto generated to alert the technical staff. The platform provides seamless integration of the history, design, control and operational details to arrive instantaneous solutions at the lowest technical levels with high precision. Mathematical modeling of real time corrosion, scaling, and fouling provides instantaneous and pro- active intervention opportunities.
3. “NET ZERO” initiative of Green Water
Interconnecting the renewables for water quality upgrades and recycle is one of the focus areas. Energy optimization and efficiency improvements are the design challenges of water treatment. Desalination, Boiler, HVAC systems and waste water treatment all involve pumping and transfer, which essentially need power to varying degrees. Collaboration with pioneers of technological advancement empowered Green Water to recover and reuse power by pressure recovery, high flow low pressure turbines, renewable use of power like Solar PV and implementation of energy optimization in design. Green Water established versatile design collaboration for mobile, field application and permanent installation of various water treatment system with Solar PV hook up.
4. Nanotechnology and Biotechnology partnerships
Green Water engaged with academia to develop bio absorption material, Graphene, Activated carbon, Polymer for various applications. The applications include cooling water blowdown recycle, Treated Sewage effluent pre- treatment for polishing, RO reject water polishing and many other advanced water treatments and recycle options. Nanotechnology opens reuse potential of water through efficient use of molecules.
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